Anniversary Gala Raises $175K for Samueli Center

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By Lynn Selich | Society Editor


UCI’s Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine held its 10-year anniversary celebration last weekend, raising more than $175,000.

A sold-out crowd of more than 200 showed up to celebrate the center’s achievements and honor founder Susan Samueli for her accomplishments and legacy of promoting health. The center serves thousands of clients every year through its clinic, research and education programs.

Among the distinguished guests at the event were Dean Ralph Clayman of the UCI Medical School, Dean Emeritus Tom Cesario, Terry Belmont, CEO of the UCI Medical Center, and many of Samueli’s friends and colleagues.

Event Chairs Jim and Sheila Peterson thanked guests and sponsors, and kicked off the program which included a dance demonstration by UCI students followed by partygoers dancing to the music of the Tijuana Dogs.



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