State Data Shows NMUSD is ‘High Performing’

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Districtwide data shows that Newport-Mesa Unified School District continues to be a high performing district, officials announced in a press release shared on Monday.

The California Department of Education published 2019 data on the California School Dashboard, which provides a holistic evaluation of student performance, according to the message. The Dashboard includes data related to graduation, suspension, school attendance, college/career readiness, English learner progress and test scores. It also includes information about school climate, parent engagement and district services, all of which are interrelated and contribute to school success. The Dashboard shows performance on a color scale, ranging from blue/green (high performance), yellow/orange (mid-performance) and red (low performance).

“We are pleased that the data remains strong and continues to validate our hard work to remain a high achieving school district,” Superintendent Dr. Frederick Navarro said in a prepared statement. “Our hard-working team will continue to offer the best possible educational environment for our students.”

NMUSD data for graduation rate, English language arts, mathematics, and college and career readiness remain in the higher performance range of green, district officials reported.

Suspension rate improved from yellow to green this year and chronic absenteeism dropped from green to yellow.

English Learner progress is listed in the Dashboard as “medium” with approximately 54 percent of the students making progress toward English language proficiency. Next year, English learner progress will receive a color designation, according to NMUSD officials.

The Dashboard also shows that NMUSD “met standards” on all the locally reported indicators for the third year in a row. These local indicators include parent engagement, implementation of academic standards, local climate survey, access to a broad course of study, and basics (teachers, instructional materials, and facilities).

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