Dorothy Guild Scares Up $62K for AIDS Services



The Friends of Dorothy Guild raised more than $62,400 to support AIDS Services Foundation Orange County at its fourth annual Haunted Halloween at The Village Crean Costume Party, Dinner & Auction on Saturday.

This brings the Dorothys’ total fundraising since the Guild was founded in 2007 to more than $480,000.

“This year we broke all previous fundraising efforts and are very proud of what our Guild contributes to the good works of ASF,” said Guild Founder and Chair and ASF Board Vice Chair Barbara Venezia.

The 250 partygoers include Dorothy Guild members as well as fashionable ghosts and ghouls who were there for the very first time.

“Amid the phenomenal costumes, entertainment, dancing, food and an amazing silent auction – there was the shared spirit for a cause that must continue despite the economy and heavy government cutbacks in funding,” Venezia said.

Costumes ranged from Barbary Coast pirates, Roman gladiators, cowboys, storybook characters, angels and devils to many that were inspired in their originality and execution. Awards were presented for Best Costume, Best Couple, Best Group of 3-8 and Scariest.  A silent and live auction made for some exciting holiday shopping. DJ Golden Mike shared the stage with Elvis who rose from the grave to perform! Barefoot Wine and Billy’s Naked Chicken supported this event once again with great wine and delicous food. Dorothy Member Caroline Stoaks handmade each dessert.

Founded in 1985, AIDS Services Foundation is the largest non-profit provider of care and services to people with HIV/AIDS in Orange County, helping 1,600 clients across the county.  Services include food, transportation, housing, emergency financial assistance, family support programs, mental health counseling, support groups, and HIV education and prevention services.

For more information and to purchase tickets to upcoming events, please visit: