Random Observations

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– Don’t you love the NRA’s plan to put armed guards in schools and other public places to protect us from NRA members.
– Your Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, continues to go where no other congressmen dare go. He’s leading the fight against Tibetan censorship of Radio Free Asia.
– Which begs the question, if it’s good for taxpayers to pay for RFA in Tibet, why is it a bad to pay for Big Bird here?
– After Romney’s loss, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal counseled that voters might not notice the GOP’s unpopular stands on issues if they change the way they talk about the issues.
– Taking a page from Jindal, NJ Gov. Chris Christie concluded voters won’t notice he is (hefty) if he changes the way he talks about being (hefty).
– Moved to Newport in Vin Scully’s 34th season as Dodger’s announcer. Yawn. Boring then. Boring now. Time to replace him with the Wonder Dog, Rex Hudler.
– Recently had a spam e-mail from a Mohammed Cohen. Now there’s a man with an identity crisis.
– While driving cross country last spring, my wife and I tried to get a motel room in Big Springs, TX. All four motels were sold out because of the high school senior prom. Must be some clueless parents in Big Springs. Wonder where they stand on funding for Planned Parenthood?
– Helen Gurley Brown died last year. In 1962, my freshman year in college, the Cosmo editor published “Sex and the Single Girl.” Thank you Helen.
– Big victims of the recession were traditional law firms. Thousands of lawyers with bloated salaries got canned, thousands of new law school grads can’t find jobs. Prediction: The university model with over-paid tenured faculty is next.
– They’re building a lighter-than-air plane in the blimp hangar in Tustin. Good idea. If they need a backup plan, turn it into a huge sound stage and make movies. Be nice to have Hollywood types bid up the price of local real estate.
– Saw that the City Council is thinking about spending millions to raise local seawalls. Guess they’re no longer in denial on global warming.
– Immigration reform is a sure thing this year. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wants to be president.
– Rubio’s opponent in 2016 will be Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). You heard it here first.
– See all the construction at Fashion Island? Heard there’s a Walmart coming. OK, OK, just messing with you.

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