Council Approves Updated Local Coastal Program


The Newport Beach City Council announced Monday that the city’s Local Coastal Program Implementation Plan and categorical exemption was unanimously approved by the California Coastal Commission in Half Moon Bay last week.

The program allows single family residences and certain duplexes to apply for structural changes completely within the city of Newport Beach. As long as the residence complies with the building features in the plan, the owner will not have to submit plans to the CCC. Permits for qualifying work may be granted by the city.

“After 13 years of working on this,” chuckled Councilman Ed Selich, “I’d like to commend the staff. I’m really proud of all the hard work we did.”

Community Services Director Kimberly Brandt stated that it would create more work for the city staff. While the work can be absorbed by their current resources, Brandt added that a proposed fee for LCP applications will likely be on the Nov. 22 City Council agenda.

“We are already processing these projects and assuring compliance with local ordinances,” she said.

Applications are currently closed and may be reopened as soon as the end of November of this year.

With the new program in place, the current Local Coastal Plan committee will probably go away, Selich remarked.

Councilman Scott Peotter expressed his gratitude and applauded the new program.

“This is a great deal that will save residents a great deal of time, energy, and money on their projects,” he said.

City Council voted unanimously to accept the plan as modified by the Coastal Commission, 6-0. Councilman Tony Petros was absent.

Council also voted unanimously to adopt the 2016 California Building Standards and Fire Codes with some local amendments. The changes and modifications to fire codes are updated about every three years.

City Council meetings are usually held on Tuesdays, but the special meeting was held Monday so it would not interfere with Election Day activities.