Police Blotter


Monday, March 25

Disregard for safety. 1:30 a.m. Jamboree Road and the 73 Freeway. An officer attempted to pull over an Irvine chef driving on the 73. The man did not yield to the officer. Minutes later the man crashed his car exiting the freeway at Jamboree. He was taken to Western Medical Center and subsequently arrested. His bail was set for $25,000.

Vehicle burglary. 5 p.m. Via Rubino. An unknown suspect stole an iPod, sunglasses, a tennis bag, and a racket from an unlocked car. The stolen property was valued at $1,990.


Sunday, March 24

Residential burglary. 1:15 p.m. 300 block of Hazel. Someone gained entry to a residence through an unlocked door, and proceeded to steal a flat screen television, golf clubs, a blu-ray player, wetsuits, DVDs, and jewelry totaling $20,350 in stolen goods and $65 damage.

Battery on a police officer. 8:48 p.m. 700 block of Narcissus Ave. A Newport woman was arrested for a D.U.I. During her booking, she physically assaulted a police officer. Her bail was set for $2,500.


Saturday, March 23

Battery.12:25 a.m. 2900 block of Newport Blvd. Two Laguna Beach girls, 18 and 19-years-old, attempted to enter a business but were denied entry by an employee. They proceeded to verbally and physically assault the employee who responded by placing them both under private persons arrest. The girls were each held on $500 bail.


Compiled by Justin Swanson