Prescott Frontier Days


Organized in 1888, the “rodeo” was invented for the world in Prescott, AZ. The event became Prescott Frontier Days in 1913.

Obviously, it is bigger and grander with a lot more $$$$$ on the line. I am not sure when Ladies began participating but it clearly was a happy leap for audiences and cowgirls.

This is another fabulous Prescott event and one which we were happy to attend…and I was granted permission to photograph.

Women’s roping events have been going on forĀ  over 70 years. The WPRA (Women’s Professional Rodeo Association) was founded in in 1948. It has over 3,000 members. They have a special calf roping event–which is, I think, what calf roping ought to be: breakaway calf roping. When the calf is roped, the rider’s horse stops and the rope breaks away from the saddle indicating the timing end of the episode. No calf wrestling or hoof tying. Just roping.

Y’all come to Prescott….fantastic town.

Photos by Lawrence Sherwin