Coastal Fashion: Being Pain-Free is In Fashion

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fashion - danny garciaIf you’re living with chronic pain and tired of taking pain killers, or having trouble finding the time to make it to an hour long yoga class to stretch out, Dr. Danny Garcia of Garcia Chiropractic can provide you with comprehensive chiropractic care that doesn’t take too much time out of your day.

“I can provide the same benefits in five minutes that you can get in an hour of stretching or yoga. This is one of the best approaches for people who are on the run, with high stress and busy schedules” says Dr. Garcia.

After practicing chiropractic care in a shared office in Newport Beach, Dr. Garcia decided it was time to launch his own chiropractic practice that doesn’t only encompass chiropractic care but also massage and acupuncture.

The idea of being able to get all of your care in one place is an appealing one to people like me who have busy schedules.

Dr. Garcia stresses the importance of overall wellness and fixing underlying problems versus masking it by treating only the symptoms.

“Medicine doesn’t always make you better. For example, a diabetic is given insulin, which makes them feel better initially but 20 years down the line they still have to have their foot amputated. Instead of covering up symptoms I believe in getting to the source of the problem and fixing it.”

As a chronic migraine sufferer who has gone the daily medication route before and has made the conscience decision to try alternative methods after having adverse reactions to medication, I was curious to see what chiropractic care could do for me.

When I met with Dr. Garcia, he gave me a full evaluation along with x-rays. He talked me through what the different problem areas meant and how it might be affecting my life.

I could tell that Dr. Garcia knows about the body and really listened to my concerns. He provides new clients with an orientation that helps to educate them on what they can expect from their care as well as the different stresses of modern life and how they affect the body and mind.

Before seeing Dr. Garcia I was getting massages, stretching and going to physical therapy with only slight and temporary results. My neck was so stiff that I wasn’t able to look over my shoulder to change lanes in traffic, and instead had to twist my entire body.  After just a few chiropractic sessions the mobility in my neck was back and my daily headaches had decreased tenfold.

Dr. Garcia provides new and existing clients the option to come to free 30 minute bi-weekly health workshops about nutrition, stress relief and chiropractic care and longevity.

The experience itself when you walk into his office is unique from other standard treatment centers. Everything is done digitally and paperless, even signing in with an iPad at your arrival. You can choose to sit in one of the large and cushioned chairs or you can go into a room and lie down on a roller massage table that roles out some of your tension before your treatment.

There are also traction chairs which can help stretch out your neck before your adjustment. Plants are strategically placed to oxygenate the room, a digital screen is mounted to give you more information on wellness topics, and light healthy snacks and water are provided.

His patience, knowledge base, comprehensive care and good humor really took the mystery out of chiropractic care and helped me to understand the benefits and the needs of my body.

For me, what’s in fashion is being pain free.

For more information, visit or call (949) 891-2459.

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