Leaf Blower Investigation Heads to DA

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Newport Beach Police Department detectives have finished their investigation into the leaf blower scare at a Newport Beach theater last month and have turned it over to county authorities.

The three juveniles were forwarded to Juvenile Probation and the adult was forwarded to the Orange County District Attorney’s office, said Newport Beach Police Department spokeswoman Jennifer Manzella on Wednesday.

The leaf blower suspects were seen on video surveillance at the Newport Beach theater.  — Photo courtesy Newport Beach Police Department
The leaf blower suspects were seen on video surveillance at the Newport Beach theater.
— Photo courtesy Newport Beach Police Department

It is too soon to determine what charges, if any, may be filed, OCDA office officials said. They are in the process of reviewing the facts, an official explained. They would not comment or provide any other information about the case at this time.

Police interviewed four suspects related to the disturbance. Three of the suspects have been described by police as young men, between the ages of 15 to 20. The fourth was a young girl, also between 15 and 20-years-old.

The cities of residence for any of the involved parties is also not yet being released, Manzella said previously.

All four are suspected to be involved with an incident on Aug. 8 at Edwards Big Newport 6 movie theater where a group of people entered a theater screening the psychological thriller “The Gift,” held up loud machines, later determined to be leaf blowers, and yelled, causing a disturbance.

“The suspect yelled, shook the leaf-blower, and revved the leaf blower’s engine to create a loud and disturbing noise,” Manzella described.

The group had also started up a leaf blower at an Irvine fast food restaurant earlier that same day, according to police.

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