Newport Beach Chamber Hosts Council Member Noah Blom Jan. 21

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The Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee holds its monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 8 a.m. The meeting will highlight local political and legislative issues impacting business and the community as a whole.

Featured guest speaker is Newport Beach Councilmember Noah Blom, who was sworn in as the new District 5 Representative at the City Council meeting on Dec. 8, 2020.  Councilman Blom is an accomplished chef, small businessman and the owner of several restaurants, including Arc Food & Libations in Costa Mesa and Arc Butcher & Baker in Newport Beach.

Noah has called Newport Beach home for most of his life, having been born at Hoag hospital. He spent a number of years working in restaurants around the world until returning to his roots here in Newport. He currently resides in Big Canyon with his wife and children.

The meeting’s interactive format will allow for Q and A with Noah.

To participate in the meeting, go to

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