Fashion Island Hosts Menorah Lighting Dec. 18

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Orange Coiunty Supervisor Katrina Foley presents Rabbi Reuven Mintz with a Certificate of Recognition at the Menorah Lighting Ceremony / photo by Charles Weinberg

For many people, Chanukah (The Festival of Lights) brings back fond memories of childhood years and serves to renew a sense of identity. The Chanukah lights provide warmth, joy, strength and inspiration. Such is a purpose of a community-wide Menorah lighting celebration.

Fashion Island joined Chabad Center for Jewish Life of Newport Beach in celebrating the Festival of Lights at a public Menorah Lighting ceremony on Sunday, December 18 in Fashion Island’s Atrium Garden Court.

The celebration began with a holiday musical performance by the Los Judios Locos and concluded with the grand Menorah Lighting ceremony by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Chabad Center and Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley, who presented Rabbi Mintz with a Certificate of Recognition from the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Participants at the Menorah Lighting enjoyed holiday gifts and treats, Chanukah crafts, face painting and balloon animals. Participants were encouraged to bring along a gift for the community toy drive and distribution to kids in need, making these deserving children’s holiday that much brighter.

Chanukah, a celebration for all time, is highlighted by the kindling of the Menorah each night of the Holiday.

Rabbi Mintz addresses the crowd before lighting the Menorah / Photo by Charles Weinberg

“It is a holiday that enriches our lives and strengthens our tradition,” said Rabbi Mintz. “In ancient times, our ancestors rededicated the Temple in Jerusalem. Today, we rededicate ourselves to making this world a better and brighter place. Chanukah also transmits the universal message that ultimately good will prevail over evil, freedom over oppression and light over darkness.”

For more information, visit

Rabbi Mintz and Supervisor Katrina Foley light the Menorah / photo by Charles Weinberg
Los Judios Locos performed at the Menorah Lighting / photo by Charles Weinberg
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