Attempted Burglary in Port Streets Neighborhood


Newport Beach Police Department sent out an alert on Tuesday about an attempted residential burglary in the port streets in the Harbor View neighborhood.

The incident occurred around 8 p.m. on Oct. 25 in the 2500 block of Port Whitby Pl.

An unknown suspect smashed a panel on a sliding glass door using a statue found in the backyard. The victim was out of town, police reported.

“The suspect then reached in to slide open the slider which set off the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm, the suspect left the residence,” police explained.

No loss of property was reported. The suspect was not seen or heard.

Police also used the message to remind residents to report suspicious activity by calling (949) 644-3717.

They also provided some home security tips, including reminding residents to call NBPD for a “vacation check” while they are away from home.

Newport Beach Police Department shared their home security checklist following a burglary this week. (Click to view and download the full checklist)
— Courtesy NBPD