Attempted Residential Burglary in Pelican Crest


Newport Beach Police Department shared an alert Thursday about an attempted residential burglary this week in the Pelican Crest community.

While the victims were out of the house around 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday, three unknown suspects climbed over the back fence onto the victim’s property on Sailcrest.

Once in the backyard, the suspects stacked a patio table and chairs below a second story balcony, according to police. The suspects then climbed up to the balcony where they attempted to shatter some of the glass panes on the French doors leading to the master bedroom. This set off the alarm prompting the suspects to flee the scene before entering the home.

Nothing was reported stolen.

Police described the three subjects as wearing dark clothing, including hooded sweatshirts with the hoods over their heads and carrying backpacks

Police used the message to share some home security tips to “harden the target.”

Authorities advise homeowners to always lock windows and doors when goings out, even if for only a few minutes. Second story windows and doors should be secured as if they were on the first story. Always activate the alarm, even if only going out for a short walk.

Consider adding a motion sensor in the master bedroom/bathroom, which will activate the alarm if someone comes in through a glass window or door without opening it.

Always keep the front and rear porch lights on from dusk to dawn and use motion detector lighting along the sides of the home or areas with little foot traffic.

Use timers on indoor lamps to give the appearance that someone is home.

Assess whether or not a window can be easily accessed from a tree, balcony, roof, wall, or with patio furniture and adjust the home security plan accordingly. Ladders should be stored inside or locked to a stationary object.

When leaving on vacation, remember to call NBPD for a “Vacation Check” at (949) 644-3681. Also, ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up the newspaper and mail while away.

Police used the alert to remind residents to report suspicious activity in their neighborhood by calling NBPD at (949) 644-3717.

Newport Beach Police Department shared their home security checklist following a burglary this week. (Click to view and download the full checklist)
— Courtesy NBPD