Discovery Science Center Gala Raises $550K



By Lynn Selich | Society Editor

Photos by TK


Dressed in creative “eco-chic,” nearly 400 Orange County business and community leaders gathered at the Discovery Science Center for the most playful philanthropic event of the year, the Center’s annual gala, which raised funds to continue the center’s second decade of operations.

Gala committee co-chairs Mary and Jack Norberg welcomed guests including Anna and Murray Joslin, Janet and Walkie Ray, Raj and Marta Bhathal, Mechelle and Joe Adams, Bonnie and David Rofsky, and Andrea and Jeff Reeves.

One of the many highlights of the evening came when Bank of America and Orange County Supervisor Bill Campbell were honored with the prestigious Arnold O. Beckman Award.

“Thanks to the leadership of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and OC Waste & Recycling, we are excited to create two new waste, recycling and environmental exhibits opening in summer 2011,” said Joe Adams, president of Discovery Science Center.  “This is the first in a series of environmental exhibits that will combine the study of natural science with preservation, demonstration, and education programs that interpret land, water, and air.”

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