Four Questions for City Council


Indy writer Richard Simon recently posed four questions to the seven Newport Beach City Council members. We’ll be sharing their responses over the next several weeks.

This week: council members Tony Petros and Mike Henn


Tony Petros

Tony Petros
Tony Petros

Q: What are the biggest challenges you face as a City Councilperson?

A: The most significant challenge any Councilperson faces is ensuring that they communicate well with their constituency and develop a sense of trust and honesty. It is my desire to meet with all the resident groups in District 2 regularly. I have hosted events where I can learn from my neighbors. I meet with property and business owners to help set my priorities for action. I respond to written communications within a day of receipt. While it is a great challenge the reward is much more satisfying.


Q: What do you hope to accomplish this year?

A: I hope to focus more investment in west Newport Beach while maintaining quality service throughout town. I want to see the completion of Sunset Ridge Park, Sunset View Park and Marina Park on schedule and within budget. I will continue to participate on the Finance Committee and address our pension obligations and overall fiscal health.


Q: Why do you want to be on the City Council?

A: With over 30 years of experience in local planning and governance around California, I believe I have the skills to affect positive change and sought after results in the interest of Newport Beach residents and businesses. Having grown up in this area, I have the desire, energy and vision to make Newport Beach better as a result of my involvement.  Neighborhood cohesion, business vitality, environmental enhancement, cultural enrichment are my visions for our town.

Q: What is it you like the most about Newport Beach?

A: I am humbled by the drive and commitment of my neighbors and fellow residents. I love the environment and open space unique to Newport Beach – swimming off our beaches, hiking along the Upper Newport Bay, mountain biking in Crystal Cove State Park. The dining, shopping and entertainment opportunities are unrivaled in Orange County. We live in the best community in the best region of the world.



Mike Henn

henn 2
Mike Henn


Q: What are the biggest challenges you face in 2014?

 A: Balancing the large time requirement associated with fulfilling my council duties with the demands of my job and the needs of my family.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish this year?

 A: I am in my final year on council, as I will be termed out in November after having served two four year terms. My major objectives this year are to complete council approval of the Balboa Village Advisory Committee recommendations for revitalization of the village, to obtain council approval in concept for the repositioning of the city’s facilities on the west side of Newport Beach, and to continue our progress addressing the critical need to contain the increase in cost of the city’s pension obligations.

Q: Why do you want to be on the City Council?

 A: I have very much enjoyed my time on council. I appreciate the opportunity to help formulate and enact important decisions for the city’s long run benefit. In addition, my council duties enable me to meet so many great people in the city.

Q: What is it you love about Newport Beach?

 A: I love the people who live here, the clean air and water, and the great overall quality of life our city offers.