‘Jingle on the Waves’ Announced as Theme for 2021 Christmas Boat Parade

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The Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce has selected “Jingle on the Waves” As the theme for the 113th annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade, scheduled to take place Dec. 15-19.

The winning theme was chosen from 70 entries and is the first community selected theme in the Parade’s history. It was submitted by Newport Beach local Amy Senk, a former contributor to the Newport Beach Independent.

Sank said that “Jingle on the Waves” was her first idea, and that “when I tried to come up with additional themes, I always failed. It’s harder than it sounds, and as it turned out, apparently ‘Jingle on the Waves’ was the perfect theme all along.”

Steve Rosansky, President and CEO of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, noted that “after this past year, we are all eager to celebrate the positivity, happiness and excitement of the season, and to welcome the return of a beloved Newport Beach tradition, made even more special with our first-ever community selected theme.”

Former Christmas Boat Parade Sweepstakes winner The Last Hurrah / photo courtesy of the Christmas Boat Parade

Thousands of people are expected to view the parade, which will feature beautifully decorated boats of every size traversing Newport Harbor.

Last year’s official Christmas Boat Parade was canceled due to Covid concerns, but a smaller “unofficial” parade was organized by local boat owners.

Entries are now being accepted for the Christmas Boat Parade and the affiliated Ring of Lights home decorating contest.

Registering a vessel makes you officially part of the parade, and automatically enters you into the competition for various awards:

  • Sweepstakes Winner – The Bill Lusk Award
  • Sweepstakes Winner – Non Commercial
  • Best Humor & Originality (1st – 3rd )
  • Best Use of Lights (1st – 3rd )
  • Best Animation/Special Effects (1st – 3rd )
  • Best Music
  • Best Sail Boat
  • Best Power Boat
  • Best Boat under 30 ft.
  • Best New Entry
  • Best Yacht Club Entry
  • Most Entries from a Yacht Club

All registered boats will be positioned between the Lead Boat and the Santa Boat.

Registered boaters receive a complimentary 60-day Sea Tow membership, Simple Green V.I.P. cleaning kit (distributed at skippers meeting while supplies last), and a chance for your boat to appear during the live broadcast of the parade.

All winners of the parade will receive a banner to display on their boat to indicate their winning status.

Entry fee is $35. Boat participants are requested to attend a pre-parade meeting to review logistics, receive registration numbers, receive a commemorative Parade plaque and address any questions about the parade.

Register online at https://www.christmasboatparade.com/enter-your-boat.

Former Ring of Lights Best Overall winner Bruce and Viviana Fabrizio / Photo credit Bleu Cotton Photography

In addition to the beautiful boats sailing through the harbor, all waterfront homes, businesses and yacht clubs are encouraged to participate in the “Ring of Lights” which adds to the festive feel of the boat parade. Many homeowners to go great lengths to decorate their homes, often using animated scenes and extensive light displays.

With its own judged categories and prizes awarded, the Ring of Lights has become as celebrated as the boat parade itself. In addition for the chance to win an award, registrants have a chance to appear in the live broadcast of the parade.

Entry fee is $35. Enter online at https://www.christmasboatparade.com/enter-your-home/. Completed registration forms must be returned to the Chamber prior to noon on Friday, December 10, 2021.  Judging for the Ring of Lights will take place on the Monday of the Parade week, so decorations must be in place by December 15.

For more information about the Christmas Boat Parade, visit https://www.christmasboatparade.com.

Former Ring of Lights Best Overall winner Phil & Mary Lyons / photo credit Bleu Cotton Photography


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