Letter: Dogs, Inconsiderate Owners Create Problems


Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to the Newport Beach City Council. It has been added to the Indy mailbag so that opinions from both sides of the issue are represented in the forum. 

As a homeowner in West Newport I just wanted to encourage you to help us with this HUGE problem of dogs running around our neighborhood, on the beaches, in the parks, alleys & streets loose.  Dog waste & the smell of urine in our area is unrepresented.  Dogs running loose is not safe for the children trying to enjoy our beaches & parks. It’s scary to a parent, not knowing if the dog will be aggressive with them. Not to mention our area was not designed for the traffic & parking problem the Dog Park/Beach creates.

I’m not a dog hater.  We’ve owned numerous dogs in our life.  It’s the inconsideration of dog owners and the effects this Dog Park/Beach has on our neighborhood, beaches, parks, streets & alley ways that is the problem.

Thank you for taking this into consideration,

Stephanie Leeper

Newport Beach