More COVID-19 Closures in Newport Beach: Balboa Island Bayfront Walkway, West Jetty Park


The City of Newport Beach has announced additional steps to be taken to reduce congestion in outdoor areas and limit the spread of COVID-19.

On Wednesday, April 8, the City will close West Jetty Park on the Balboa Peninsula until further notice. Other City parks remain open; however, the relatively small West Jetty Park made social distancing difficult.

Vendors display their artwork along the Balboa Island Bayfront Walkway in May, 2018 / photo by Chris Trela

On Saturday, April 11, the City will close the Balboa Island Bayfront Walkway until further notice. While the recently installed “one-way” directional signage improved social distancing, maintaining safe distances along the narrow Bayfront Walkway has been challenging, according to information from the City.

Also this week (April 7-10), City crews are placing additional signs throughout Newport Beach, including electronic message boards, to discourage any outdoor activities not permitted under the Governor’s “stay at home” order.

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