Newport Beach City Arts Commission Announces Photo Contest Winners

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The Newport Beach City Arts Commission has announced the winners of the 2021 Sculpture Photo contest.

The Sculpture Photo Contest was designed to encourage public awareness of the new sculptures in Civic Center Park. The winning entries were selected from over 300 photographs that were submitted, showing one or more of the sculptures on display in the Sculpture in Civic Center Park Exhibition, Phases IV and V.

In the category of Human Interplay with a Sculpture, the Grand Prize winner is “Catching Rainbows” by Mona Szumlas. Runner Up is “Circles” by Christine Nunez.

In the category of Enhancement of a Sculpture Using Nature, the prize winners were “Together” by Alan Wendell, “Hurricane” by Ruth Kurisu, “Gentle Wind” by Anita Rasmussen, and “A Step Forward” by Jonard Ingal.

Prizes include Amazon gift cards. The winning photographs, along with other entries, are currently displayed on the City’s Cultural Arts website at

For more information, please contact the Cultural Arts office, at (949) 717-3802 or send an email to:

Here are the winning photos:

“Catching Rainbows” by Mona Szumlas
“Circles” by Christine Nunez
“Together” by Alan Wendell
“A Step Forward” by Jonard Ingal
“Gentle Wind” by Anita Rasmussen
“Hurricane” by Ruth Kurisu
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