This Year’s Gov Cup Teams Announced


The 2011 winning team from San Diego Yacht Club will return to challenge other returning competitors and new entrants from around the globe at the Balboa Yacht Club’s 46th annual Governor’s Cup International Junior Match Racing Championship, July 18-22.

The team’s in this year’s Gov Cup will be:

  • Balboa Yacht Club, Corona del Mar, CA
  • Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Australia
  • Göteborg Kungliga Segelsälskap, Göteborg, Sweden
  • Mission Bay Yacht Club, San Diego, CA
  • Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, Australia
  • Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, New Zealand
  • Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, New Zealand
  • Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, Australia
  • San Diego Yacht Club, San Diego, CA
  • San Francisco Yacht Club, Belvedere, CA

In addition, the winners of the Rose Cup, a national youth match racing event to be held at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club (Florida) on June 20-24 as well as the South American youth match race champion will be invited.

The racing will be held in the afternoons in the ocean near the Balboa Pier. The round-robin format for the event provides spectators with continuous competition as each race features only two boats with each team racing against every other team at least once.

New to the Gov Cup is Göteborg Kungliga Segelsälskap, from Goteborg, Sweden. Their team has been racing all over Europe in a variety of boats, but this will be their first experience in Gov Cup 21s. The remaining teams represent yacht clubs that have participated one or more times during the 46-year history of the Governor’s Cup.

Nevin Snow, the skipper of the 2011 winning team from San Diego Yacht Club and the youngest ever winner of the Cup, will return to race again together with his 2011 crew since all are still eligible. Nevin will try to become the eighth two-time winner in Cup history. The third and fourth place teams, both from New Zealand, will also be led by returning skippers.

Up to date information will be available before, during and after the racing at as well as on Gov Cup pages on facebook and twitter.