Charity Spotlight: Kids Learn Etiquette at ARTS Showcase

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CSP-ARTSEvent-38Community Service Programs, a nonprofit organization committed to providing high-quality counseling and support services to struggling Orange County children and families, honored participants in its Youthful Offender Wraparound Full Service Partnership and Collaborative Courts Full Service Partnership at its second annual Achieving Resiliency through Strengths (ARTS) Showcase on July 21.

The event featured live performances and creative work from at-risk youth who participate in YOW and CCFSP programming to bounce back from difficulties, including those caught up in the child welfare, juvenile justice, probation and children’s mental-health systems in Orange County.

“The ARTS Showcase highlights the strengths, hope and positive steps of YOW and CCFSP participants,” said Hether Benjamin, LMFT, director of CSP Youth Development Programs. “Our programs offer a place for at-risk youth at times when they have no place else to go. YOW and CCFSP build on their resiliency and give them an opportunity for a healthy and successful life through support including enrichment activities, coping skills and more.”

One often-overlooked skill that is included in the ARTS showcase is the social arts, or etiquette. The Etiquette School of Newport Beach provided their services to help guide young participants through the social training needed to be successful in various scenarios.

“We have had the pleasure of collaborating with CSP since 2011,” said Kathleen Cover, founder and president of The Etiquette School of Newport Beach. “The Etiquette School of Newport Beach specializes in empowering individuals with the social skills and knowledge necessary to help them effectively achieve their life goals. Our comprehensive programs place special emphasis on the importance of applying courteous and considerate behavior to our everyday lives, extending respect and kindness to others in public and at home, and displaying fine dining etiquette in our personal and professional lives.”

Each CSP client that participates in the etiquette program receives a Certificate of Completion, which can be added to an individual’s personal resume to aid in their future academic and employment pursuits.

“Participating in our program makes an impressive statement to the world that an individual is trying to be ‘the best’ that they can be,” added Cover.

For more information on Community Service Programs and Youth Development programs, visit

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