City of Newport Beach Hosts Virtual Workshop on the Future of Housing Feb. 24


The City of Newport Beach will host a workshop and discussion session Feb. 24, from 6 to 8 p.m., to gather community input on proposed housing sites and policy strategies to help meet the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) mandate.

The City is anticipating zoning for an additional 4,834 housing units to comply with the RHNA planning mandate.

The workshop will update the community on the General Plan Housing Element and gather input on the proposed housing opportunity sites.

The housing workshop is a continuation of a series of virtual workshops, online activities, and educational videos to engage Newport Beach residents in the General Plan update.

The housing workshop will be hosted on Zoom. It will be discussion-based, with polls and surveys incorporated. Register for the webinar at https:/

More Information is available at

The General Plan update effort builds upon the Newport, Together process launched in the Fall of 2019. At this time, the primary focus is on the Housing and Circulation Elements to comply with State law.

The City’s Housing Element details the City’s strategy for enhancing and preserving community character and identifies strategies for expanding housing. The Circulation Element governs how cars and people move through the City on local roadways, buses, ferries and trails. Over the next few months, the City will host additional opportunities to provide input into the Housing and Circulation Elements, as well as environmental justice policies for the General Plan Update.

Over the past few months, Newport Beach has been in the process of identifying housing opportunity sites to meet the City’s RNHA mandate. Join the discussion on Feb. 24 to discuss the location of the housing sites and policy strategies to help meet the RHNA requirements and shape the future of Newport Beach.