Goodbye…For Now

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It has been fun writing for the Newport Independent about all the political happenings in Newport for these last two years.

I have decided that after being involved first hand as a planning commissioner, and then as an observer writing about the issues, it is time to take the plunge.

I have decided to run for Newport Beach City Council in the 6th district in November. The 6th District is in Corona del Mar and part of Newport Coast, and is currently occupied by Nancy Gardner, who is termed out.

Newport Is a Target Rich Environment for Columnists

As I make the switch from political observer to candidate, I will miss writing about how the direction of the city has gone awry. Topics like the Taj-Ma-City-Hall, the fire ring debate, Bunny-Henge and how I think that government ought to be invisible until you need it and easy to use when you have too, all without spending us into debt.

 You Are in Good Hands

I leave “The Straight Scott” in good hands. As the Indy’s Voice from the conservative side (otherwise known as “Right”), I am proud to introduce my replacement, also from the Right: Kurt English.

Kurt is a diehard small government capitalist. Although I am sure that some will question his choice of colleges, I will let him introduce himself this week in his inaugural column.

Scott Peotter is an architect and former Planning Commissioner, and now City Council candidate, in Newport Beach.  Scott can be reached at

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  1. Scott – Good luck to you on your quest for NB City Council! You may be a fish out of water there, but that’s what the tax payers need! You will be missed my conservative friend. Those things you wrote about were relevant and right on point. I hope Kurt will not let up on accountability of OUR elected officials whom represent US.

  2. Scott,
    Although I will miss your persnickety observations of the despicable political antics our elected officials perform, you leave us in good hands with the esteemed Kurt English. Thank goodness for us, “He’s no Barack Obama”. Go, fight win, and remember: The temptation to spend “other people’s-money” has sucked many fiscal conservatives into the ash heap of political hypocrisy.
