Letter to the Editor: Peotter is Too Extreme for Newport Beach


I support the recall of Scott Peotter because his extremist views are not suitable for a member of the Newport Beach City Council. 

He holds extremist views on the environment. The Daily Pilot reported recently that he opposed the appointment of a leading Balboa Island resident to the Harbor Commission because the resident apparently believed in “that whole man-made global warming/sea level rise thing.”

Within days, the council voted to spend millions to raise the sea walls on Balboa Island to respond to the recent flooding during King Tides. That would be the whole “sea level rise thing.” Peotter’s anti-science views can cost the city millions.

He is an extremist on the role of women. The LA Times reported this month that the head of Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger said it was “sinful” for women with young children to serve in public office like the legislature and that “Roman Catholicism is one of the primary false religions in the world”. 

Peotter reported receiving between $10,000 and $100,000 working for Drollinger and his organization. Is this the example we want our councilmembers to provide for our children?

Peotter has still not revealed who provided the funding to support his efforts working for Drollinger. Peotter was the only council member to vote against the city’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy. Who does that?

Campaign reports filed last week show that the primary financial support opposing the recall comes from well-known extremist Howard Ahmanson Jr. and his Fieldstead Companies.

Peotter is an extremist in his support for high rise development. Peotter strongly supported the high rise Museum House project, he alone defended the project in the press after refusing to rescind the project approvals when 14,000 residents signed petitions in opposition, and he has endorsed raising the height limits on Lido.

I want a city council focused on reducing traffic, public safety and improving our quality of life. Peotter has made it clear that his priorities and concerns are on other issues.

Please go to recallsocttpeotter.com  to learn more and stop extremism in Newport Beach.

 Lynn Swain

Committee to Recall Scott Peotter

Newport Beach