Letter to the Editor: Socialism and Trees


The words that were spoken at Tuesday’s Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board of Education meeting were reminiscent of extreme socialism, a way of thinking that creates a stateless, classless society that ultimately takes away the power away from the people.

Disturbingly enough and leading the charge for tearing out the magnificent mature trees and installing a parking lot was Superintendent Fred Navarro, who talked about mobilizing (destroying the trees), creating higher fences, and tagging the trees to be identified for removal.

NMUSD did not even consider alternatives for this devastating project, which could simply be to remove the chokers along Cliff Drive and build a reduced drop-off without impacting the trees; this would also save the taxpayer’s money, but saving money is obviously not in the school district’s vocabulary. The irony is that no one has seen the plans or specifications for the project nor were they available at the meeting; however, the majority of the board voted for the project, much like Pelosi’s infamous healthcare remark, “But we have to pass the [healthcare] bill so that you can find out what’s in it….”

Perhaps, NMUSD, the city of Newport Beach and the Newport Beach Police Department should work together and close the gap. Ironically, the proposed “ghost” plan has failed to even seek building permits from the city of Newport Beach, because, as Navarro stated, their department follows different rules.

The same night Bernie Sanders won in New Hampshire; socialism is impossible because it lacks the necessary information to perform, the Supervisors and Board members socialistic performance failed on Tuesday night as well.

Peggy Palmer
Newport Beach