Local Reaction to Vegas Tragedy

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In the wake of the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival tragedy, local authorities reacted with heartfelt and meaningful messages.
— Art courtesy NBPD

In the wake of the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival tragedy, local authorities reacted with heartfelt and meaningful messages.

“We are heartbroken,” Newport Beach city officials wrote on social media. “Our hearts and prayers are with those that were wounded, their loved ones, and our colleagues at the city of Las Vegas.”

Among the injured are two Newport Beach city staff members, including an off-duty police officer, who attended the concert on Sunday. The injuries are not life-threatening and both are recovering, NB Police Department officials reported.

City, county and other locals expressed gratitude for the law enforcement, first responders, medical staff and those trying to help and save lives.

“We stand with all of you, and all of Las Vegas,” NBPD authorities wrote.

Orange County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Joe Owen sustained serious, but not life-threatening, injuries while trying to help. He is now home recovering.

“Owen heroically helped others escape the gunfire, placing his own life in danger in order to save others,” OC Supervisor Todd Spitzer wrote in a message to residents.

Locals also expressed shock and horror. Spitzer said he is outraged and deeply saddened by the shooting, which he called a “senseless, despicable act of violence and hate.”

“This act of inhumanity must be immediately condemned,” he commented.

Later in the day on Monday, NBPD wrote that they have received an “incredible outpouring of support” and a number of requests for more information on how to handle an active shooter incident. Authorities shared some tips, including the “Run-Hide-Fight” options, and information from the Department of Homeland Security.

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