The human body is but stardust in creative form. It becomes a walking miracle of cosmic grace when a foot strikes the ground and a living anatomy of muscles, nerves, blood and bone are propelled into action.
But with each step it’s really the hormones that bring life to living with their interconnected relationships inside.
They are a symphony, each hormone an instrument guided by its own notes but under the direction of the master gland, the hypothalamus, and alongside the pituitary keeping tempo, as each hormone plays in concert with each other signaling designated cell what to do.
So it’s hormones that a naturopath turns to when assessing the health of the body. Are they all working in harmony?
Take a major player, pro-opiomelanocortin (or POMC). It is actually expressed in several different roles such as in proper adrenal function or for pain control and energy homeostasis (weight loss or gain).
Another hormone is epinephrine, or adrenaline, and it is what ramps the body up to move. Its counterpart, norepinephrine, signals the fight-or-flight

response in the body. Both used in excess when living in constant stress can have harmful effects on the body. There’s dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, melatonin, that light up the brain chemistry, and insulin from the pancreas that regulates sugar in the blood. Gastrin, a hormone found in the stomach and duodenum, signals the secretion of gastric acid so food can digest. But of course the favorites shall always be androgen, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone—hormones that allow the human race to climb orgasmic heights in the name of reproduction and other worthy causes.
But as soon as we hit 40, then 50, then 60 years of age, hormones become a blob of discordant emotions, weight gain, and a libido that’s gone fishin’ or just plain gone.
It’s a time when hot flashes in the form of red hot lava curse through women’s veins. Though men lose their sex hormones at a gradual pace, it is women who find themselves pushed off a cliff, their hormones dropping faster than the speed of light.
In 2015, half of American women will have reached menopause with nothing really waiting for them other than a prescription for Prozac.
As an active advocate for health and naturopath in Newport Beach and Portland, Jan Seibert, ND, is a breath of fresh air for many women and men looking to balance their hormones. She designed and conducted a clinical study on the impact of peri/postmenopausal women using natural bio-identical hormones for menopausal-related symptom relief and its impact on sub-clinical hypothyroidism.
These positive findings were covered in ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, FOX News and Forbes Magazine. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians recognized this work and presented Dr. Seibert with a 2006 Research of the Year award.
“What’s your blood like?” is her most common question and she explains, “I look at the whole person, not just specific symptoms, and seek out the root of the problem.” She adds, “I look for deficiencies and excesses to find what is out of whack with the body and blood work tells a great tale.”
Even learning about a patient’s sleep habits is vital to whether or not hormones are affected. To bring the hormones in balance, Dr. Seibert will customize them to fit each person’s needs.
“You can give the same amount to 10 people in the room and all 10 people will have 10 different levels in their body.”
Prescriptions target a general absorption rate. What about people who metabolize things slower or faster? Hormones need to be customized, compounded by pharmacists to meet the specific needs of the patient.
She also firmly states its not just about taking medicine. Healing needs to be a holistic venture, an all around taking care of the body. Treatments need to go along side good sleep, fresh air, daily exercise and eating right.
Eat foods that bring vitality to the body like fruits and vegetables, not heavily processed foods found in fast foods and packaged foods.
If you eat meat, choose grass fed organic meat to avoid added hormones.
You can reach Dr. Seibert at (949) 528-3942 or visit her website at
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