Some 450 guests alighted upon the Balboa Bay Club & Resort for National Charity League, Juniors, Newport Chapter 25th Annual Mother-Daughter Luncheon, Fashion Show and Silent Auction to honor their out-going 6th-grade members and mothers.
The annual event raised more than $100,000 for the three philanthropies: High Hopes Head Injury Program, Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation (PCRF) and the Harry & Grace Steele Children’s Center.
The entire entrance, indoor and outdoor silent auction area and ballroom were transformed into an Alice in Wonderland fantasy land in keeping with the theme “Wonderland – Unlock Your Adventure.” Models from Saks Fifth Avenue showcased spring fashions along with NCL daughters modeling the latest looks from newly opened Catamini in South Coast Plaza.
The Newport Beach Chapter of National Charity League, Juniors, is composed of 60 women with daughters ranging from kindergarten through 6th grade. The purpose of NCL Jrs. is to initiate and promote charitable endeavors, and to foster mother-daughter relationships in philanthropic, cultural and social activities.
For more information, visit www.nationalcharityleague.com.