Newport-Based OC Community Foundation Hosts ‘Preserving Dignity’ Giving Day


On Wednesday, Nov. 2, the Newport Beach-based Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) will host Preserving Dignity—a collaborative online Giving Day which aims to raise $100,000 for five local nonprofits serving Orange County’s older adults in need.

According to OCCF, a demographic shift is accelerating in Southern California that will lead to the need for additional resources for one of the most vulnerable populations: older adults.

The U.S. Census Bureau is projecting that the number of Americans aged 65 or older will outnumber adolescents under 18 by 2034. By 2060, it is expected that roughly 1 in 4 Americans will be what is currently considered retirement age, and the 65+ population in Orange County will nearly double from 17 percent to 29 percent.

OCCF’s Preserving Dignity Giving Day will raise funds for nonprofits to ensure older adults have essential access to proper care and resources as they age.

Giving Day participants include Southern California Hospice Foundation, Alzheimer’s Orange County, Council on Aging – Southern California, SoulRapha (which uses holistic healing to end senior isolation), and St. Francis Home of the Franciscan Missionary Sister of the I C Inc (assisted living for the elderly).

“The data is clear and compelling that we must prioritize the health and well-being of our county’s aging population,” said Shelley Hoss, president and CEO of the Orange County Community Foundation. “We’re proud to support local nonprofits during Preserving Dignity that address the needs of our older residents who have given so much to our community throughout their lifetimes.”

Preserving Dignity is the final effort of OCCF’s 2022 iheartOC Collaborative Giving Days, an annual initiative that designates cause-specific giving days focused on critical community issues.

The online giving model matches OC nonprofits with shared missions – from homelessness and workforce development to preserving ecosystems and supporting local veterans – to create momentum on one shared day and leverage a combined outreach effort for collective success.

In 2021, the 10 days secured support from 8,485 donors and raised a record $4.5 million for 112 local nonprofits.

Since its start in 2015, OCCF’s Collaborative Giving Days have raised more than $19 million for Orange County nonprofits.

To donate during the Preserving Dignity Giving Day, please visit

Founded in 1989, the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) works with donors, strengthens the local nonprofit sector and works to find solutions to community needs. Since its inception, OCCF has awarded $900 million in grants and scholarships, ranking the organization as the 3rd most active grantmaker among all U.S. community foundations.

For more information, visit