Painting Class Hosted for Visitors From Sister City in Japan

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Visitors from Newport’s sister city, Okazaki, Japan, in a painting class by Timree Paint Studio in Newport Beach.
— Photo courtesy NBSCA ©

A fun painting class was hosted by Timree Gold, of Timree Paint Studio, for an Okazaki, Japan, delegation visiting Newport Beach recently.

The Japanese students and teachers are living with Newport Beach families and attending school at Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools.

Newport Beach and Okazaki have been sister cities since 1984. The exchange program is co-sponsored each year by the Newport Balboa Rotary Club and the Newport Beach Sister City Association.

For 35 years, the two groups hosted six to seven middle school students to travel to Okazaki for a ten-day visit in July. Every fall these same students host their Japanese friends in Newport Beach for about a week.

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