Rare Wool Sweater on Display at Store’s Grand Opening

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The store’s new location
The store’s new location

The Fashion Island location of St. Croix Shops, a small chain of independently owned men’s clothing (all made in America) specialty stores, has moved.

The store’s new location
The store’s new location

The shop went from its site in the atrium to the other side of the mall next to Nordstrom’s, in the “men’s collection” area.

To celebrate the move, the store will be holding a grand opening on Saturday between noon and 4 p.m. The event will feature wine, hors d’oeuvres and a raffle drawing for a $1,000 wardrobe. A couple of St. Croix customers will also be doing some “informal modeling,” wearing outfits from the store while mingling among the crowd.

The highlight of the celebration will be the unveiling of the brand’s vicuna sweater. Only about 100 of them will be made, said shop manager Sandra Duff.

The price point for the specialty sweater starts at about $2,000 and goes up, she said. The St. Croix sweater will be $2,400.

Vicunas, a relative of the llama, produce a small amount of extremely fine, soft and warm wool. They can only be caught in the wild and shorn about once every two to three years. It is considered the rarest and finest fiber in the world.

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