Reception at Balboa Bay Resort and Golf Tournament at Monarch Beach Links Raises $290K for Speech and Language Development Center

Jeff Shew, Maria and Chris Raab at the Balboa Bay Resort reception

Hosted by Speech and Language Development Center (SLDC), the 44th Annual Dick Gorrie Memorial Golf Tournament raised a record-breaking $290,000 for the nonprofit school and therapy center serving children and adults with special needs in the areas of language, learning and behavior.

It was the highest-grossing event in the tournament’s history and took place at Monarch Beach Golf Links in Dana Point on Monday, Sept. 26. The 2022 invitational sold out in advance, welcoming 160 players for a day of on-course food, drinks, games and golf.

Prior to tee time, SLDC hosted a cocktail reception for 70 attendees at Balboa Bay Resort on Sunday evening honoring renowned Orange County coach Dick Gorrie. Formerly a West Coast scout for the NFL’s Los Angeles Rams and Buffalo Bills, as well as head football coach at Santa Ana College from 1964 to 1975, Gorrie was a longtime supporter and friend of SLDC who had been involved with his namesake tournament since its inaugural year in 1977.

“The Dick Gorrie Memorial Golf Tournament would not be possible without the incredible generosity of our sponsors, golfers and volunteers who worked so diligently to create a memorable day on the green,” says Adrienne Kessler, Ed.D., BCBA, Chief Executive Officer at SLDC. “As SLDC’s longest-running event, the invitational is an important tradition that has helped advance our mission over the last four decades, from campus expansions to new programs and services that maximize the potential of students with special needs.”

Rob Boldt, SLDC’s CEO Adrienne Kessler, Zack Krone at the Balboa Bay Resort reception

Speech and Language Development Center is a non-profit school and therapy center serving children and young adults, ages 3 months through 21 years. With campuses in Buena Park and Temecula, SLDC serves individuals with special needs in language, learning and/or behavior across Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. The center is certified by the California State Department of Education and licensed by the California State Department of Social Services.

For more information about SLDC, visit

(left to right) Margaret Keenan, Roger and Marcia Diets, Mary Lou Platte, Sheila Platte, Tom and Vickey Debrowski at the Balboa Bay Resort reception