How Will You Vote in November?


In November the residents of Newport Beach will be given a clear choice. If the City Council approves it, there will be a proposed General Plan Amendment on the ballot that will ask us to decide whether or not we want to approve projects that will significantly increase development in our city.

Projects that will add hotels, apartments, office space, and commercial space. Projects that will inevitably result in increased traffic and density in Corona del Mar, all along Pacific Coast Highway, around John Wayne Airport, and elsewhere.

Is this what we want? Clearly someone does.

Judging by a recent mailer from the “Coalition for General Plan Accountability, A Project of the Newport Chamber of Commerce,” signed by Don Webb, and judging by a concurrent telephone poll being conducted by an unknown source, it would appear that someone is willing to bankroll a campaign in favor of these developments.

Will all these offices and hotels and projects benefit us, the ordinary residents, in any way? Will they enhance our city’s charm, livability and sustainability?

Ask yourselves those questions before you vote.

Andrea Lingle

Newport Beach