Letter to the Editor: Campaign Finance Reform Still Needed


Campaign finance reports have been filed and once again, our Newport Beach city council is raising money from people having business before the city council, in some cases three years before they face the voters again.

Scott Peotter is a good example. He is shaking down city tree trimming vendors, trash haulers and other vendors for thousands.

Despite currently being investigated for taking excessive contributions for people associated with Woody’s Wharf, and failure to report the costs of a 2014 fundraiser held at Woody’s, he has raised another $1100 so far from a Woody’s owner. 

In 2015, Peotter cast the deciding vote to abandon litigation with Woody’s and settle for more than $300,000 and significant operating hour concessions.

You would think that after being cited twice for accepting donations that exceed the city’s legal limit he would learn, but once again Peotter’s own 2017 reports show that he accepted $400 more than the limit from Buck Johns, operator of the Newport Beach Golf Course. At least this time he refunded the money in advance of being caught by the public. 

The penalty for this offence is supposed to be removal from office, but due do his influence, the city does not enforce its own law.

If we want political reform and to stop the pay to play influence at city hall, we must recall Scott Peotter. Go to recallscottpeotter.com.

 Chuck Groux

Newport Beach