There is some minor flooding on Balboa Peninsula today due to recent high tides. A few roads that were partially closed have been reopened.
Newport Beach Police Department and City of Newport Beach – City Hall officials are checking out the situation right now. The water is around Main Street, close to Balboa Pier, and Balboa Boulevard and south.
It’s some localized flooding, but there is no emergency NBPD Watch Commander Sgt. Kyle Cammack emphasized.
It will drain itself, it will just take some time, he added
Crews are on the way or already on the scene. It seems to be minor and just on the surface of the streets, Cammack said.
Eastbound Balboa Boulevard at A Street, and Southbound Adams Street at Balboa closed for a short period of time, but have since been reopened, according to NBPD Nixle alerts. For the latest, check:

— Photo by Jim Collins ©