Joe Stapleton Sets Newport Beach City Council Fundraising Record

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Joe Stapleton

Joe Stapleton’s campaign for City Council Member for District 1 has announced that $240,000 has been raised to date from nearly 500 donors.

According to information from Stapleton’s campaign, that is a fundraising record and surpassing Councilman Duffield’s 2014 mark of $217,431.

With six months to go until the November election day, setting the fundraising record is just the latest major announcement from the Stapleton campaign. The campaign also recently announced support from both the Newport Beach Police Officers’ Association and Newport Beach Firefighters Association.

“I want to make sure my message of keeping Newport, Newport is heard everywhere,” said Stapleton. “I am so grateful for each and every person who has supported my campaign to help me reach this milestone.”

“Joe Stapleton deserves every bit of credit. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I can’t believe he smashed it before Summer,” commented Councilman “Duffy” Duffield. “Joe is one of the hardest working candidates I have ever seen. He’s showing that Newport Beach really stands together for the right candidate.”

Named “Newport Beach Citizen of the Year” in 2020, Joe Stapleton served on the Newport Beach Harbor Commission from 2013-2017 and has served on the Newport Beach Finance Committee since 2017.

In addition to serving on over a dozen local charitable boards, Joe also helped revitalize and now leads the Newport Beach Foundation.

As a Wealth Manager for the past 15 years, Stapleton co-founded Spinnaker Investment Group in 2016 and serves as the company’s President.

He lives in West Newport.


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