Letter to the Editor: I’m Truly Upset!

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I am totally aghast that Scott Peotter and Duffy Duffield have not taken their name off the ballot for City Council after all of their manipulations and illegal activity have been revealed. This is not just a political issue, it’s also a moral issue which we expect the City Council to understand and appreciate.

After attending a couple of Candidate Forums, I was totally impressed with the knowledge, presentation and commitment of Joy Brenner and Tim Stoaks. Both of them have a better moral compass than either Peotter or Duffy who only seem interested in advancing their personal business. I only hope it is not too late to get the word out that both Peotter and Duffy need to be replaced by the more honest, transparent, committed candidates Joy and Tim.

I personally am depressed that all that I’ve been hearing about the collapse at City Hall seems to be true and that we have been represented by people out to further their own positions as opposed to representing the highest good for the City of Newport Beach.

It clearly is Time for a Change and I’m saddened and sorry that it has come to this.


Patricia Griffith

Newport Beach

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