Newport Beach City Manager Week in Review for May 22, 2021

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City Manager Grace Leung

By Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Orange County entered the Yellow Tier of the State’s reopening framework on Wednesday, May 19, allowing for expanded indoor and outdoor capacities in some business sectors and activities as the state moves toward a full reopening in mid-June. With the low rates of hospitalizations and steady supply of vaccines, California is on track to reopen fully by June 15, as planned.

The overall COVID-19 metrics for Orange County continued to improve this week. The seven-day average daily case number (per 100,000 people) decreased from 1.8 to 1.5. The test positivity rate (the percentage of positive tests among those tested) improved as well, dropping from 1.0 percent to 0.9 percent. The health equity metric decreased from 1.2 percent to 0.9 percent.

Here is additional vaccine information and resources as of May 21:

  • The City of Newport Beach will host a vaccine clinic on May 26, from noon to 4 p.m., at the Civic Center Community Room, 100 Civic Center Dr. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can make an appointment in advance by calling 949-644-3355. We will be administering 1st or 2nd doses of the Moderna vaccine, as well as the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
  • Orange County parents and legal guardians of minors (ages 12-17) can schedule a vaccination appointment through the County online at or by calling the OC COVID 19 Hotline at (714) 834-2000.
  • Minors ages 12 and older who are receiving a vaccine at a County Super POD site must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian and provide picture ID and proof of age.
  • The County will close its Super POD sites at the Anaheim Convention Center, OC Fair & Event Center, Soka University and Santa Ana College at the end of the day on June 5 and shift operations to an expanding network of robust mobile PODs.

COVID-19 Cases in Newport Beach

As of May 20, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Newport Beach was 3,901 and the total cases in Orange County was 254,919. The number of recovered COVID-19 patients countywide as of May 20 was 248,338. These figures are provided to Orange County by the California Department of Public Health.

Homelessness Update

People experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach can now find temporary shelter and support services in the new Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter. Through a partnership agreement with Costa Mesa, the new shelter at 3175 Airway Avenue provides up to 72 beds for individuals experiencing homelessness in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. The shelter is operated by Mercy House, which provides case management to locate appropriate permanent housing, assist with job searches, and provide other on-site services.

The City of Newport Beach discourages panhandling in favor of targeted assistance through the Good Giving Program. Donations received through the program enable staff to purchase items such as bicycles, work boots, and small household items for newly housed people. All donations are tax deductible. If you would like more information, or to donate, please visit our Good Giving Program web page at

City staff works closely with our contractor City Net, and our regional partners throughout the county and state, to address homelessness. The City Net helpline number is (714) 451- 6198. Those who call the hotline may leave a detailed voicemail message for themselves or others in need and City Net staff will respond within 48 hours. For immediate assistance, call the County’s Crisis Prevention Hotline at (877) 7-CRISIS or (877) 727-4747

Success Stories:

  • 16 people who had been experiencing homelessness in Newport Beach are now sheltered in the new Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter.
  • City Net case managers enrolled a client into the State-issued Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program, which provides up to $125 a month toward food purchases.
  • Four people in Newport Beach experiencing homelessness were enrolled into City Net services. City Net staff completed Vulnerability Index Intake Assessments for each. The assessments are used to screen clients to determine proper placement in the County’s Continuum of Care system. Some assessment factors include age, health issues, and length of time being unsheltered. Case managers will follow up with the clients to provide housing assessments and prepare documentation for housing.
  • City Net staff continues to provide food gift cards, support, and case management to several people sheltering in motels while they await placement into permanent, supportive housing.

Civic Center Pathway Update

Between June 1 and June 11 Phase VI of the Civic Center Park Sculpture Exhibition will be installed. The existing Civic Center pathway is broken out and being removed. The Contractor will grade and level the base material in preparation for the new pathway material. During the art installation the pathway contractor will not be laying any new pathway to ensure the new material is not driven on and damaged. Once the artwork has been completed, final pathway construction will take approximately two weeks to finish.


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