OC Community Foundation Raises $129K on May 20 Giving Day


On May 20, the Newport Beach-based Orange County Community Foundation hosted Empowering Possibilities—a collaborative Giving Day to support OC neighbors living with disabilities. During the 24-hour online effort, 532 donors helped raise $129,242 for 10 nonprofits that provide support and services to people living with disabilities living in Orange County.

The continued challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly impacted the more than 250,000 people in Orange County living with disabilities, presenting obstacles for this vulnerable community to access the safe and reliable support they need.

The $129,242 raised during Empowering Possibilities will allow the 10 participating nonprofits to provide a range of education and supportive services, skills training and counseling, and community outreach programs to help Orange County’s disabled residents achieve success and independence within their communities.

The organizations involved included Blind Children’s Learning Center of OC; Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled; Down Syndrome Association of OC; Family Support Network; Hope Center for the Arts; Project Independence; Special Olympics Southern California; Speech and Language Development Center; United Cerebral Palsy Association of OC; and Vocational Visions.

“We are grateful to each and every donor for supporting the Empowering Possibilities Collaborative Giving Day,” said Shelley Hoss, president and CEO of the Orange County Community Foundation. “We are proud to support nonprofits working to help our neighbors with disabilities, and continue to be inspired by the creativity, passion and resiliency of OC nonprofits serving our community’s most vulnerable residents.”

Empowering Possibilities is part of OCCF’s iheartOC Collaborative Giving Days, an annual initiative that designates 10 cause-specific giving days focused on critical community issues. The online giving model matches OC nonprofits with shared missions – from homelessness and workforce development to preserving ecosystems and supporting local veterans – to create shared momentum in one 24-hour period and leverage a combined outreach effort for collective success.

In 2020, the 10 days secured support from 6,476 donors and raised a record $3.2 million for 98 nonprofits. Since its start in 2015, OCCF’s Collaborative Giving Days have raised nearly $13 million for Orange County nonprofits.

For more information about Orange County Community Foundation Collaborative Giving Days, please visit www.oc-cf.org/givingdays.

Founded in 1989, the Orange County Community Foundation works with donors, strengthens the local nonprofit sector and works to find solutions to community needs. Since its inception, OCCF has awarded nearly $780 million in grants and scholarships, placing the organization in the top two percent in grantmaking among U.S. community foundations.