Sherman Gardens Holds Socially Distancing Floral Classes in February


Sherman Library & Gardens has announced a series of floral classes to be held throughout the month of February.

All class sizes are limited to ensure social distancing. All participants must wear a face mask. Pre-registration is required for all classes.

To register or for more information, visit


Tuesday, Feb. 9 / 9 – 11 a.m.

Fee: $70 Member / $80 Non-Member

Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day! Plant an adorable heart-shaped pot filled with succulent rosettes. Learn about ‘Echeveria’ succulents and their care while transforming your heart into a beautiful rosette display.


Two Dates: Wednesday, Feb. 10 or Thursday, Feb. 11 / 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Fee: $65 Member / $75 Non-Member

In this workshop you will learn how to create a hand-held bouquet in sweet pastel colors and early spring flowers. Learn how to create a heart-shaped vine to frame your blossoms, and make it the perfect gift with florist paper wrapping and ribbon. All materials, tools, and instructions will be included in this outdoor floral workshop.


Saturday, Feb. 13 / 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Fee: $25 Member / $30 Non-Member

Create your own nature journal and fill the first page with a flower! You will work together to observe the colors and qualities of a beautiful Camellia bloom from our garden and use simple watercolor techniques to create your own botanical portrait. Grandparents and favorite adults welcome too! No experience necessary.


Thursday, Feb. 18 / 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Fee: $90 Member / $100 Non-Member

These odd plants are masters of disguise: Use split stones and living rocks to hide among beautiful polished pebbles to design a camouflage creation. Learn the trick for caring for these strange botanical wonders.

TOOL TIME: Shining and Sharpening Your Garden Tools

Wednesday, Feb. 24 / 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Fee: $50 Member / $60 Non-Member

Your gardening tools are the best investment you can make for your garden. In this hands-on class you will learn how to clean, oil, and sharpen your tools. Well-lubricated and sharpened tools are not only easier for trimming your plants but are also easier on your joints. Your hands, arms, and back will thank you!

Each participant is encouraged to bring three garden tools to clean and sharpen during the class and will leave with a personalized tool maintenance kit and the skills necessary to care for your tools at home.