Kure It Cancer Research Holds ‘Let’s Save Lives’ Gala

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(left to right) Sponsor and Kure It board member Drew Hoeven and wife, Jaime, with Gemma Berto and Adam Cooper, all Newport Beach residents, at the Nov. 9 gala.
— Photo by Tony Lattimore ©

More than 250 guests gathered at the City National Grove of Anaheim on Nov. 9 to raise funds for research into underfunded cancers at the Kure It Cancer Research “Let’s Save Lives” gala.

Founded by Newport Beach resident Barry Hoeven, the local nonprofit aims to fund research to cure kidney and other underfunded cancers.

At the event, a video featuring a myriad of survivors telling their stories of hope and belief in cancer research drew praise.

Survivors attending he gala included Cathryn Guisto, Kenneth Knudsen, Karalayne Maglinte, Tom Minasian and Joshua Schulman, according to information received from Kure It.

(left to right) Sponsors Burton and Linda Young, with Kirsten and Tom Minasian (cancer survivor honoree) at the Nov. 9 gala.
— Photo by Tony Lattimore ©

This year’s Kaprielian Cup, Kure It’s most highly regarded annual award named for Barb Kaprelian, who passed away in 2014 from her 14-year-old battle with cancer, was presented to City National Bank for its generous donations to Kure It Cancer Research.

Kure It Board Chair Todd Perry announced a new collaboration with UCI, with Kure It committing $1 million over five years to UCI’s cancer research program.

Net proceeds from the event reached $260,000 for cancer research, according to a Kure It press release.

For more information, visit KureIt.org.

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