Newport Beach Police Department Receives Grant to Fight Alcohol-Related Harm

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NBPD officers conduct a field sobriety test on a possible DUI. Photo courtesy Newport Beach Police Department

The Newport Beach Police Department has been awarded a $24,830 grant from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to battle alcohol-related harm within the community.

The grant is one of more than 50 awarded in California to local law enforcement agencies through ABC’s Alcohol Policing Partnership Program. The grants strengthen local law enforcement efforts by combining the efforts of local police officers and ABC agents. ABC agents have expertise in alcoholic beverage laws and can help communities reduce alcohol-related problems.

“The program improves the quality of life in neighborhoods,” said ABC Director Eric Hirata. “We’ve seen a real difference in the communities where the grant program resources have been invested.”

The Alcohol Policing Partnership Program was created in 1995 to strengthen partnerships between ABC and local law enforcement agencies. The funds will be used to reduce the number of alcoholic beverage sales to minors, obviously intoxicated patrons, illegal solicitations of alcohol, and other criminal activities such as the sale and possession of illegal drugs.

This project is part of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control’s Alcohol Policing Partnership. The APP Program has distributed over $40 million to local law enforcement to combat alcohol-related harm.

ABC is a Department of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency.

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