Off the Menu Special: Café Rouge Serves Kinky Menu for ‘Kinky Boots’

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kinky 1By Christopher Trela & Catherine Del Casale.

It’s no secret that we’re fans of Leatherby’s Café Rouge at Segerstrom Center. Last week, we caught a performance of the musical “Kinky Boots” and savored Chef Ross Pangilinan’s themed “Kinky Boots” menu prior to the play.

“Chef Ross has once again done an amazing job with his themed theater menu,” said Catherine. “For the main course I was impressed with the ‘One of a Kind’ dish, which was a natural farm chicken breast with Parmesan risotto, roasted seasonal vegetables and a peppercorn sauce. The chicken was juicy with a nice crisp skin and the risotto was creamykinky 2 but not too soft.”

“I like the ‘Land of Lola’ dish of north sea cod and corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots, but I’m blown away by the intense flavors of the butternut squash soup,” said Christopher.

For dessert we enjoyed ‘Hold Me in Your Heart,’ a panettone bread pudding with red wine poached pear, candied orange sauce and grand Marnier ice cream. The bread pudding had crisp edges with a soft inside that sponged up the sweet flavors of the candied orange sauce and melting ice cream.

kinky 3If you’re seeing “Kinky Boots” this weekend (it closes Jan. 11) or any of the other musicals coming up at The Center this year, we highly recommend trying the musical-themed menus at Leatherby’s Café Rouge.

By the way, we thoroughly enjoyed “Kinky Boots” at Segerstrom Center–worthy of the Tony Awards the show won.


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